


Welcome to my blog! My name is Shara Prophet and I’m here to share my journey as a food lover and entrepreneur. I am the owner of, and gourmet food specialist for The Gaia Goodness Company, as well as the creator of the Gaia Goodness Banana Mango Ketchup. I blog about all things food and hope you will join me on this delicious adventure!

I have been passionate about food since I was a little girl. I picked up my culinary skills by watching and helping my grandmother prepare everything from fresh baked yeast rolls to homemade snow ice cream and canning fruits and vegetables. Things were a lot slower back then. In today’s fast paced world, we rarely make time for a good home cooked meal, let alone making ice cream and canning.

The fast food options that bombard our city blocks and our grocery shelves are the reason I started making my own food and sauces. I became conscious of what is in our food especially condiments like ketchup, bbq sauce, marinades and salad dressings. These sauces tend to be laden with corn syrup, sugar, aspartame, sodium, soy lecithin, maltodextrin and other nasty chemicals and additives that contribute to a host of health issues.

I became so passionate about getting reconnected to food and being a real food advocate, I started working with a non-profit organization called RootDown LA. RootDown LA is a youth driven organization that offers an open forum where the community can discuss issues affecting our society like food deserts, food insecurity, lack of access to nutritious fresh produce in low income neighborhoods, and how to divert dollars back into the community through urban food businesses.

I served as Program Coordinator and Cooking Instructor at RootDown LA. I trained children and adults on basic culinary skills and educated them on how to read nutrition labels, the difference between natural and processed ingredients, and organic and conventional farming. My experience at RootDown LA increased my awareness of what’s really happening in the food industry and confirmed I was headed down the right path; making simple, honest, healthy, delicious, and unique gourmet foods. So here I am, a budding entrepreneur with big dreams and an even bigger appetite!



One Comment on “About”

  1. Mr. Wow
    February 9, 2012 at 10:24 pm #

    This is a cool website you have here. I wish you peace and success.
